Be afraid!
It is much worse than you think,
and it has only just begun,
with so much more to come.
The Great Dying!
As we dance a mindless shuffle
toward a hot inevitable collapse,
we will learn soon enough;
that technology will not save us,
nor faith…or love!
In the new Dark Ages,
how easy it is to die.
The fragility of ordinary life
descending like a knife
in the enormous empty night.
Suffocating, Drowning, Burning,
within a single generation.
Close enough to touch, to share,
to blame
for a hubris so intense.
Climate nihilism so entrenched,
our greatest challenge:
Too late we understand
the fatal myth of man
separate from nature.
Progress was never inevitable.
The elements of chaos irrepressible,
fast encroaching upon our shores.
A Devil’s bargain lost, and then
The Great Silence!